UK Spouse Visa TB Tests
Tuberculosis tests for visa applicants. You must be tested at a clinic that has been approved by the UK Home Office. Some countries do not have approved testing centres so you’ll need to get tested in a different country.
You’ll need to have a tuberculosis (TB) test if you’re coming to the UK for 6 months or more and both of the following apply:
- you’ve lived in a TB test required country for 6 months or more
- you were living there (or another listed country) within the last 6 months
You’ll need a TB test if you’re coming to the UK as:
- a fiancé, fiancée or proposed civil partner on a family visa
The test result is valid for 6 months and usually takes a few days to arrange. The cost varies depending on the location and test centre and also chest x-ray test fees. The expected cost is $30 to $250. If you have TB the treatment costs and delay depends on your condition.
Country Specific Test centre and cost details
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UK Spouse Visa TB test in AfghanistanUK Spouse Visa TB test in Algeria
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Angola
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Bangladesh
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Benin
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Bolivia
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Burkina-Faso
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Burundi
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Cambodia
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Cameroon
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Chad
UK Spouse Visa TB test in China
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Congo
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Ecuador
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Ethiopia
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Gambia
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Ghana
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Guatemala
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Guinea
UK Spouse Visa TB test in India
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Indonesia
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Iraq
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Ivory Coast
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Kazakhstan
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Kenya
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Madagascar
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Malawi
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Malaysia
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Morocco
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Mozambique
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Myanmar
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Nepal
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Niger
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Nigeria
UK Spouse Visa TB test in North Korea
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Pakistan
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Peru
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Philippines
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Russia
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Rwanda
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Senegal
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Sierra Leone
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Somalia
UK Spouse Visa TB test in South Africa
UK Spouse Visa TB test in South Korea
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Sri Lanka
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Sudan
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Tanzania
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Thailand
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Uganda
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Ukraine
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Uzbekistan
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Vietnam
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Zambia
UK Spouse Visa TB test in Zimbabwe
If you are having trouble booking your test we can help!